
Water vs Wind Damage

A homeowner’s policy typically covers damage caused by water, but with very specific exceptions. It generally does not cover damage from water coming into the home from the ground, but rather water damage that comes into the home from another source, such as a leaking roof or from a burst pipe.

Homeowners’ Insurance Policies Can Be Confusing…

Most homeowners’ insurance policies contain specific provisions related to damage caused by hurricanes, and a key feature is often higher deductibles for losses resulting from a hurricane. Under this provision, homeowners are responsible for paying a percentage of the insured value of the home, generally ranging from 2-10 percent. So for a home insured for $100,000 with a 2-percent hurricane deductible, the policyholder would be responsible to pay out of pocket for the first $2,000 in damages

5 Hurricane Safety Tips

What you do during a hurricane has a tremendous impact on how you and your home safely make it through the lashing winds and torrential rains of each cylindrical rotation a tropical storm system brings.

Saving For College

Though no one can predict exactly what college might cost in 5, 10, or 15 years, annual price increases in the range of 3% to 5% would certainly be in keeping with historical trends. There’s no denying the benefits of a college education: the ability to compete in today’s job market, increased earning power, and expanded horizons. But these advantages come at a price.

How Grandparents Can Help Grandchildren with College Costs

As the cost of a college education continues to steadily climb, many grandparents are stepping in to help. This trend is expected to accelerate as baby boomers, many of whom went to college, become grandparents and start gifting what’s predicted to be trillions of dollars over the coming decades.


Hurricane Preparedness List

When a hurricane is bearing down on your area, you need to do everything in your power to ensure the safety of yourself and your family. Remembering to not take the storm lightly and begin preparations as soon as possible could be the difference between making it through safely and comfortably or running out of hurricane supplies and being stranded


Education Tax Credits & Deductions

For parents and students trying to manage college bills and student loan payments, the federal government offers education-related tax benefits. The requirements for each are different, so here’s what you need to know.